part 5

override function sqrt(atom x)

include bigatom.e 
namespace bigatom 
override function sqrt(atom x) 

ra?z cuadrada


square root


include bigatom.e 
namespace bigatom 
export function ba_log(object x, integer round = 0) 

Devuelve un bigatom con el logaritmo natural

Admite atoms, bigatoms y representaci?n de n?meros en una cadena

adaptada de bigfixedmath.e (Lucius L. Hilley III) del archivo de euphoria (la que mejor ha rendido con bigatoms)


Returns a bigatom with the natural logarithm

Supports Atoms, bigatoms and representation of numbers in a string

Adapted from bigfixedmath.e (Lucius L. Hilley III) euphoria file

(Which has better rendered with bigatoms)


include bigatom.e 
namespace bigatom 
export function ba_exp(object x, integer round = 0) 

Devuelve un bigatom con la potencia de e (e^x)

e = 2.71828182845904523536028747135266249775724709369995 
ba_exp(1) = e 

Admite atoms, bigatoms y representaci?n de n?meros en una cadena

adaptada de la librer?a de bc

Devuelve un bigatom con la potencia de e (e^x)


Returns a bigatom with the power of e (e ^ x)

e = 2.71828182845904523536028747135266249775724709369995 
ba_exp(1) = e 

Supports Atoms, bigatoms and representation of numbers in a string

Adapted from the library bc


include bigatom.e 
namespace bigatom 
export function ba_power(object x, object exponent, integer round = 0) 

Devuelve un bigatom con la potencia de x (x^exp)

Admite atoms, bigatoms y representaci?n de n?meros en una cadena


Returns a bigatom with the power of x (x ^ exp)

Supports Atoms, bigatoms and representation of numbers in a string


include bigatom.e 
namespace bigatom 
export function ba_sqrt(object x, integer round = 0) 

Devuelve un bigatom con la ra?z cuadrada de x

Admite atoms, bigatoms y representaci?n de n?meros en una cadena


Returns a bigatom with the square root of x

Supports Atoms, bigatoms and representation of numbers in a string


include bigatom.e 
namespace bigatom 
export function ba_root(object x, object exponent, integer round = 0) 

Devuelve un bigatom con la ra?z n de x (x^(1/n))

Admite atoms, bigatoms y representaci?n de n?meros en una cadena


Returns a bigatom with n root of x

(x ^ (1 / n)) 

Supports Atoms, bigatoms and representation of numbers in a string


include bigatom.e 
namespace bigatom 
export function ba_logb(object x, object base = 10, integer round = 0) 

Devuelve un bigatom con el logaritmo en base b de x

Admite atoms, bigatoms y representaci?n de n?meros en una cadena


Returns a bigatom with the logarithm in base b of x

- Supports Atoms, bigatoms and representation of numbers in a string



include bigatom.e 
namespace bigatom 
export function bigatom_to_atom(bigatom N) 

Devuelve un atom con el valor de un bigatom


Returns an atom with the value of a bigatom


include bigatom.e 
namespace bigatom 
function int_to_bigatom(integer i) 

Devuelve un bigatom con el valor de un entero (integer)


Returns a bigatom with the value of an integer (integer)


include bigatom.e 
namespace bigatom 
export function int_value(sequence str) 

Devuelve un atom con el valor entero de una cadena que contiene la representaci?n de un n?mero.

La conversi?n se detiene al encontrar el primer car?cter no v?lido. Permite el uso de espacios y subrayados como separadores de grupos. Si la cadena contiene un n?mero con decimales devuelve el valor de su parte entera, el punto o la coma detienen la conversion.


Returns an atom with the integer value of a string containing the Representation of a number.

The conversion stops to find the first invalid character.

Allows use of spaces and underscores as separators groups. - If the string contains a number with decimal returns the value of - His entire hand, point or comma stop the conversion.


include bigatom.e 
namespace bigatom 
export function normalize(sequence N) 

Normaliza un bigatom.

Reduce un bigatom a su forma m?s corta eliminando los ceros superfluos y ajusta el exponente.


Normalize one bigatom.

Reduces bigatom its shorter form eliminating superfluous zeros and adjusts the exponent.


include bigatom.e 
namespace bigatom 
export function euler(integer decs, integer output = 0) 

Calcula el n?mero de Euler (e) con precisi?n arbitraria comprobado hasta un mill?n de decimales, donde mir? por internet un diff y solo difer?a el ?ltimo decimal, aunque tarda un poquillo... jejeje echar? humo... seg?n la m?quina claro.

decs: n?mero de decimales de e (>=0) output: si es cero devuelve una cadena, si es distinto de cero, devuelve un bigatom

Algoritmo original escrito en Algol por Serge Batalov Reescrito en Modula-2 y modificado por Eugene Nalimov y Pavel Zemtsov Adaptado a Euphoria por Carlos J. G?mez Andreu (cargoan)


Calculate the number of Euler (e) with arbitrary precision - Proven up to one million decimal where I looked online a diff alone - The last decimal differed, although it takes a bit different ... lol will smoke ... According to the clear machine.

Decs: number of decimals of e (> = 0)

Output: if zero returns a string if - Zero, returns a bigatom

Algorithm originally written in Algol by Serge Batalov - Rewritten in Modula-2 and modified by Eugene Nalimov and Pavel Zemtsov - Adapted Euphoria by Carlos J. G?mez Andreu (cargoan)

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